previous sketch Flower Garden next sketch

This is a self-running program with no interaction.

We draw a little flower garden in the DePatie-Freleng style of animation. Each garden is unique and will never be seen again. It's grown using random numbers that determine everything from the number of flowers to the number of petals on each one, their color, and even the angle of their stalks.

The garden automatically updates about twice per second, producing a unique image each time.

The Program

void setup() {
  size(600, 500);  // make a graphics window
  smooth();        // draw everything nicely

// draw a little garden of flowers
void draw() {
  background(165, 240, 225);              // clear the screen
  int numFlowers = (int)random(10, 30);   // pick a number of flowers
  for (int i=0; i<numFlowers; i++) {
	  drawOneDaisy();   // draw the flowers one by one
  frameRate(.5);  // draw a new frame every 2 seconds

void drawOneDaisy() {
  float cx = width * random(0, 1);         // choose the flower's center
  float cy = height * random(.2, .8);
  float r = (width/2.0) * random(.1, .2);  // the outer radius of the petals
  float innerR = r * 0.2;                  // radius of the central bud
  int numPetals = (int)random(4, 20);      // draw this many petals
  // Pick a couple of bright colors.  Using HSB, we can keep the
  // saturation and brightness high, while choosing a random hue.
  color insideColor = color(random(0, 255), random(100, 255), random(100, 200));
  color petalsColor = color(random(0, 255), random(100, 255), random(100, 200));
  // Draw a slanted stalk from the center of the bud to the ground.  
  line(cx, cy, cx+random(-50, 50), height);
  // draw each petal
  // pick a random starting angle for the petals
  float angleStart = random(TWO_PI);
  // find the maximum angle spanned by each petal
  float angleSize = TWO_PI/numPetals;
  for (int i=0; i<numPetals; i++) {
    // make the range of angles spanned by this petal
    float angle1 = angleStart + (angleSize * (i+random(.1, .4)));
    float angle2 = angleStart + (angleSize * (i+random(.6, .9)));
    // make the outermost radius of this petal
    float thisR = r * random(.9, 1.1);
    // draw the petal as a filled-in arc radiating from the bud
    arc(cx, cy, thisR*2, thisR*2, angle1, angle2);
  // draw the central bud
  ellipse(cx, cy, innerR*2, innerR*2);
    // finally, draw the grassy ground
  fill(75, 155, 75);
  rect(0, 700, width, 100);