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Using just a single little curve segment, we can produce a fountain of particles, each leaving a trail behind as it moves. The paths of the particles and their timing changes slowly over time, creating an ever-varying animation. In the course you'll see how to create these kinds of curves, how to move objects along curves, and even how to create these little trails.

You can control the animation using these keyboard keys:

  • n   reduce the number of particles
  • N   increase the number of particles
  • s   reduce the number of steps in each trail
  • S   increase the number of steps in each trail
  • l   reduce the length of the trail
  • L   increase the length of the trail
  • h   toggle drawing strokes around the circles (makes it slower!)

The Program

// The Heart arrays hold the right-hand side of a heart
float[] HeartX = { 0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 10, 20, 30, 18, 13,  8,  3, 0 };
float[] HeartY = { 0, 12, 26, 34, 42, 54, 46, 38, 30, 25, 20, 14, 0 };
float[] PathX, PathY;        // the path followed by a point
int NumDrops = 35;           // must be even
int TrailSteps = 13;         // number of circles drawn to make a trail
float TrailLength = 20;      // the length of the trail
boolean ShowStroke = false;  // draw strokes around circles?
void setup() {
  size(600, 600);
  PathX = new float[HeartX.length];  // We only need to store a single
  PathY = new float[HeartY.length];  // copy of the path

// Determine the size of the path followed by this point.  The
// width and height come from the path number.  If leftSide is
// true, then we flip the path in X to get the left-hand side.
// The numbers here are tuned by hand for a graphics window that
// is 600 by 600 pixels (see the call to size() in setup()).
void makePath(int pathNumber, boolean leftSide) {  
  float w = map(pathNumber, 0, NumDrops,  30,  300); 
  float h = map(pathNumber, 0, NumDrops, -54, -540);
  if (leftSide) w = -w;
  fillPath(300, 500, w, h);

// Fill in the Path arrays with the Heart X and Y, but move and
// scale them for the given origin, width, and height.
void fillPath(float originX, float originY, float wid, float hgt) {
  for (int i=0; i<HeartX.length; i++) {
      PathX[i] = map(HeartX[i], 0, 30, originX, originX+wid);
      PathY[i] = map(HeartY[i], 0, 54, originY, originY+hgt);

// Find a point on the curve held in Path.  The variable
// fullPathT holds a value from 0 to 1 over the entire curve.
// The array p is 2 elements long, and holds the x and y we find.
void pointOnPath(float fullPathT, float[] p) {
  // standard stuff for finding the right segment and t in that segment
  int numSegments = int((PathX.length-1)/3.0);
  float tInSegments = fullPathT * numSegments;
  int firstIndex = 3 * int(tInSegments);
  float localT = tInSegments - int(tInSegments);
  // find the point on this segment
  if (firstIndex > PathX.length-4) {  // boundary case for fullPathT=1
    pointOnSegment(PathX.length-4, 1, p);
    } else {
    pointOnSegment(firstIndex, localT, p);
// Using the Path array, get the segment starting at index i and
// a value of t from 0 to 1 over the segment to fill in the float
// array p with the x and y values of the curve at this point.
void pointOnSegment(int i, float t, float[] p) {  
  p[0] = bezierPoint(PathX[i], PathX[i+1], PathX[i+2], PathX[i+3], t);
  p[1] = bezierPoint(PathY[i], PathY[i+1], PathY[i+2], PathY[i+3], t);  
// Draw the point with this path number, using this color.  We
// draw a bunch of points to create the "trail" it leaves behind.
void drawMovingPoint(int pathNumber, color clr) {
  float speed = pathNumber*1.4/10000.0;  // numbers tuned by eye 
  float trailDistance = TrailLength*speed;
  float position = speed * frameCount;
  while (position > 1) position -= 1;    // wrap around the curve
  float[] p = { 0, 0 };                  // this will be our point
  for (int i=0; i<TrailSteps; i++) {
    // we find "oldt", which is the t value i steps ago
    float oldt = position - map(i, 0, TrailSteps-1, 0, trailDistance);
    if (oldt >= 0) {
      float opacity = map(i, 0, TrailSteps-1, 255, 0);  // fade out 
      fill(red(clr), green(clr), blue(clr), opacity);
      pointOnPath(oldt, p);
      ellipse(p[0], p[1], 30, 30);

void draw() {
  background(210, 225, 230);
  color bottomColor = color(215, 45, 45);
  color topColor = color(175, 125, 45);
  if (ShowStroke) stroke(0);
             else noStroke();
  for (int i=0; i<NumDrops; i+=2) {
     color pointColor = lerpColor(bottomColor, 
                                  topColor, map(i, 0, NumDrops, 0, 1));
     // for every point, create the left and right sides and draw the trail
     makePath(i, false);
     drawMovingPoint(i, pointColor);
     makePath(i+1, true);
     drawMovingPoint(i+1, pointColor);

void keyPressed() {
  if (key == 'n') NumDrops = max(2, NumDrops-2); 
  if (key == 'N') NumDrops += 2;
  if (key == 's') TrailSteps = max(0, TrailSteps-1);
  if (key == 'S') TrailSteps++;
  if (key == 'l') TrailLength = max(1, TrailLength-1);
  if (key == 'L') TrailLength++;
  if (key == 'h') ShowStroke = !ShowStroke;